People Upliftment Programme (POPUP)

The People Upliftment Programme (POPUP) was established in 1999. POPUP gives individuals hope through various skills programmes where they can obtain skills to help them find employment or start their own enterprises.

POPUP ensures a high-quality workforce through SETAaccredited training and life skills training. Attendees are also
trained in basic skills such as work ethic, professionalism, financial literacy and entrepreneurship.

In addition, POPUP can also be approached to act as a placement agency for entry-level employees.

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POPUP Contact Person


CELL : +27 (0) 79 181 4567

Donation Form (#10)

Fillup this form to add to our doner list. 

I/We hereby authorize you to draw against my/our account with the above-mentioned bank (or any other bank or branch to which I/We may transfer my/our account) the amount necessary for the payment of the monthly/quarterly/annual commitment due in respect of the installment/premium as agreed. All such withdrawals from my/our bank account by you shall be treated as though they had been signed by me/us as personally.

I/We understand that the withdrawals hereby authorized will be processed by computer through a system known as the BankServ Magnetic Tape Service and I also understand that details of each withdrawal will be printed on my bank statement of on an accompanying voucher.

I/We agree to pay any bank charges relating to this debit order instruction.

This authority may be canceled by me/us by giving you thirty days' notice in writing, sent by prepaid registered post, but I/We understand that I/We shall not be entitled to any refund of amounts which you have withdrawn while the authority was in force if such amounts were legally owing to you.

I/We acknowledge that Anchor of Hope Ministries hereby authorized to effect the drawing(s) against my/our account may not cede or assign any of it’s rights to any third party without my/our prior written consent and that I/we may not delegate any or my/our obligations in terms of this contract/authority to any third party without prior written consent of the authorized party. Receipt of this instruction by you shall be regarded as receipt thereof by my/our bank (whichever it is or will be)

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